Impacts of teak expansion on environment and human health

Short summary of the latest research on the Houay Pano CZO (M-TROPICS/MSEC) dealing with teak expansion, the impact of understorey management on soil surface features and water infiltration, and the consequences of increased surface runoff and soil erosion on pathogens’ transport. Video (4’39) can be watched here.

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Dong Cao, Roots and Humans

A documentary film (Dong Cao, des racines & des Hommes, 9’04) featuring Jean-Luc MAEGHT (IRD) and PHAM Dinh Rinh (SFRI) has been shot within the Dong Cao catchment in Vietnam (M-TROPICS/MSEC) to highlight the long term monitoring of the CZO (climate, land use, hydrology, and soil erosion, root density, macrofauna, carbon), the benefits of erosion […]

ECOSFIX project – Experimental site in Laos

Jean Luc Maeght, from IRD, explains the research protocol used on the experimental site in Laos (M-TROPICS/MSEC), within the  ECOSFIX project. The video, in french, lasts 2’29”.

ECOSFIX project – Protocol / associated systems in Laos

Jean Luc MAEGHT, from IRD, describes the experimental site of ECOSFIX in Laos, in terms of land use and soil features (M-TROPICS/MSEC). The video, in french, lasts 1’19”.
