
Reuse of bottom sediment from reservoirs to cropland is a promising agroecological practice that must be rationalized

In semi-arid areas, intermittent streams are often equipped with small reservoirs to store water for irrigation and/or groundwater recharge, and to capture sediments lost through erosion. These reservoirs must be periodically desilted to maintain their storage capacity. While bottom sediments are generally considered waste, their reuse in agricultural fields is a centuries-old practice in India. […]


Soil erosion control in tree plantations on steep slopes: Runoff water andsediment trapping efficiency of riparian grass buffer in mountainoushumid tropics

Riparian grass buffers reduce the velocity of water flowing over the soil surface during storms, capturing surface runoff (SR) and trapping soil particles eroded from cultivated slopes. Rarely quantified under steep slope conditions (>45 %), this phenomenon probably occurs in many mountain agroecosystems in the humid tropics. In Southeast Asia, teak plantations are often established on […]


Inauguration of the SMART station in Ban Laksip

The Sustainable Mountain Agroecosystems Research and Training (SMART) station was inaugurated on Tuesday November 19, in the presence of the Vice-Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Dr. Chanthakhone BOUALAPHANE, Her Excellency the Ambassador of France in Lao PDR Ms. Siv-Leng CHHUOR, and the Vice-Governor of the Luang Prabang Province Ms. Siliphone SOUPHUNTHONG. The SMART station is […]


Do Anh Huy defended his Master’s thesis

Do Anh Huy defended his Master’s thesis on September 18, dealing with the “Application of remote sensing for land use and wetlands mapping in Laos”, performed within the DinBuam ANR project and supervised by Alexandre Bouvet (CESBIO), Olivier Ribolzi (GET) and Pham Duc Binh (USTH), hosted at CESBIO and funded by the AST Zone Critique […]


Inpeng Saveng presented her PhD work at IRD LMI Days 2024

On June 25 and 26, the IRD 2024 LMI Days were held in Marseille, focusing on South and Southeast Asia on the topic “Water as a common good: towards an integrated vision and sustainable solutions”. Inpeng Saveng (left in photo), PhD student at GET/UT3, presented her thesis work entitled “Headwater wetlands as a determinant of […]


Village settlements in mountainous tropical areas, hotspots of fecal contamination as evidenced by Escherichia coli and stanol concentrations in storm water pulses

Little is known about the contribution of villages to the fecal contamination of surface water in tropical rural areas. This study, published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, documents E. coli and stanol concentration levels in surface runoff, and tracks the origin of the fecal contamination during flood events.


Ratboren Chan started his PhD within M-TROPICS on the effect of geomorphological features and land use change on stream flow and water quality in Lao PDR

Ratboren CHAN is a former student of the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (Engineer’s degree), and of the Kasetsart University in Thailand (Master of Engineering). He just started his PhD at GET (funded by Campus France-French Embassy in Cambodia and ITC), within the M-TROPICS critical zone observatory and the ANR DinBuam project, with the aim […]


IRD ECOBIO Department visited M-TROPICS study sites in Lao PDR

On November 22-23, Emma Rochelle-Newall and Jean-Christophe Avarre, head and deputy-head of the ECOBIO scientific department at IRD, respectively, along with Sabrina Locatelli, IRD Representative in Lao PDR, visited the various sampling and measuring sites of the M-TROPICS critical zone observatory, currently augmented by the different setups deployed by the ANR DinBuam research project. It […]


Inpeng Saveng started her PhD within M-TROPICS on the role of headwater wetlands in driving the transfer of fecal bacteria in tropical mountain streams in Laos

Inpeng SAVENG is a former student of the National University of Laos (Bachelor of Environmental Sciences), and of the Kyushu University in Japan (Master of Science). She just started her PhD at GET (funded by IRD-ARTS and Campus France-French Embassy in Lao PDR), within the M-TROPICS critical zone observatory and the ANR DinBuam project, with […]