Water resource, Hydrology, global changes
PhD in Hydrology, Associate Researcher at IRGM/CRH
Address: Laboratory of Geochemical Analysis of Water, Hydrological Research Centre, Institute of Geological and Mining Research, Cameroon. P.O.Box 4110, Yaounde
Phone: +237 694675989
E-mail: bnnomo|DONTWANTSPAM|@gmail.com
Main fields of research and expertise
- Hydrometric network building and management in developing countries
- Evolution of river flow in tropical zones of Africa in the context of global changes
- Flood trends and flood risk assessment
- Statistical hydrology
- Water Resources policies and management
Selected publications
Descroix, L.; Faty, B.; Manga, SP; Diedhiou, AB; A. Lambert, L. ; Soumaré, S.; Andrieu, J. ; Ogilvie, A.; Automne, A.; Mahé, G. ; Sombily Diallo, FB; Diallo, A.; Diallo, K. ; Albergel, J.; Alcali Tanimoun, B.; Amadou, I.; Bader, J.-C. ; Barry, A.; Bodian, A.; Boulvert, Y. ; Braquet, N. ; Couture, J.-L.; Dacosta, H.; Dejacquelot, G. ; Diakité, M. ; Diallo, K. ; Gallese, E.; Ferry, L.; Konaté, L.; Nka Nnomo, B. ; Olivier, J.-C. ; Orange, D. ; Sakho, Y. ; Sambou, S.; Vandervaere, J.-P. Les hauts plateaux du Fouta Djallon sont-ils toujours le château d’eau de l’Afrique de l’Ouest ? Eau 2020 , 12 , 2968. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12112968.
Descroix, L.; Guichard, F.; Grippa, M. ; Lambert, LA; Panthou, G.; Mahé, G. ; Gal, L.; Dardel, C.; Quantin, G.; Kergoat, L.; Bouaïta, Y. ; Hiernaux, P. ; Vischel, T.; Pellarin, T.; Faty, B.; Wilcox, C.; Malam Abdou, M. ; Mamadou, I.; Vandervaere, J.-P. ; Diongue-Niang, A.; Ndiaye, O.; Sané, Y. ; Dacosta, H.; Gosset, M. ; Cassé, C.; Sultan, B.; Barry, A.; Amogu, O.; Nka Nnomo, B. ; Barry, A.; Paturel, J.-E. Evolution de l’hydrologie de surface dans la bande sahélo-soudanienne : une revue mise à jour. Eau 2018 , 10 , 748. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10060748.
Nka B.N, Oudin, L., Karambiri, H., Paturel, J.E., Ribstein, P., 2015 Trends in West African Floods : A comparative analysis with rainfall and vegetation indices. Hydrol. Earth. Syst. Sci. 19, 4707-4719. Doi :10.5194/hessd-19-4707-2015.