Aquatic microbial ecology
Address: UMR iEES-Paris, Sorbonne Université, Tour 44-45, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France
Phone: +33 (0)1 44 27 38 26
Email: emma.rochelle-newall|DONTWANTSPAM|@ird.fr
Main fields of research and expertise
Emma Rochelle-Newall studies the aquatic microbial ecology of tropical environments. Specifically, she examines how anthropogenic impacts, such as increased inorganic and organic inputs or land use change modifies the genetic and functional diversity of microbial communities. She uses a wide range of techniques (cultures, mesocosms, in situ measurements) in a variety of situations (boat, field, laboratory) and sites in Asia-Pacific and West Africa. Another increasingly important aspect of her work concerns the study of pathogen dissemination in aquatic ecosystems and how environmental degradation in developing countries alters the ecology of these microbes and impacts the health of populations using water resources. She mentors PhD and Masters students and gives courses that specifically aim to strengthen the research capacities in the Global South. Their MOOC on article writing has been followed by > 60,000 participants. She also actively works to improve the representation of women at IRD.
Selected publications
Wassenaar T, Bodo B, Hilou A, Rochelle-Newall, E. The Nitrogen Metabolism of Growing Sub-Saharan Cities and Their Prospect for Shifting from Regional Sinks to Sustainable City Region Food Systems. Reg. Environ. Change 2023, 23 (2)
Da Le N, Hoang T, Nguyen T, Rochelle-Newall E, Pham T, Phung T, Duong T, Nguyen T, Dinh L, Duong T, Nguyen T, Le TPQ. Microbial Contamination in the Coastal Aquaculture Zone of the Ba Lat River Mouth, Vietnam. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2023, 192
Pongmala K, Pierret A, Oliva P, Pando A, Davong V, Rattanavong S, Silvera N, Luangraj M, Boithias L, Xayyathip K, Menjot L, Macouin M, Rochelle-Newall E, Robain H, Vongvixay A, Simpson A, Dance D, Ribolzi O. Distribution of Burkholderia pseudomallei within a 300-cm Deep Soil Profile: Implications for Environmental Sampling. Sci. Rep. 2022, 12 (1)
Moussa M, Toure A, Kergoat L, Lartiges B, Rochelle-Newall E, Robert E, Gosset M, Tanimoun B, Grippa M. Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Suspended Particulate Matter in the Middle Niger River Using in-Situ and Satellite Radiometric Measurements. J. Hydrol.-Reg. Stud. 2022, 41
Le H, Pommier T, Ribolzi O, Soulileuth B, Huon S, Silvera N, Rochelle-Newall E. Overland Flow during a Storm Event Strongly Affects Stream Water Chemistry and Bacterial Community Structure. Aquat. Sci. 2022, 84 (1)
Boithias L, Ribolzi O, Rochelle-Newall E, Thammahacksa C, Nakhle P, Soulileuth B, Pando-Bahuon A, Latsachack K, Silvera N, Sounyafong P, Xayyathip K, Zimmermann R, Rattanavong S, Oliva P, Pommier T, Evrard O, Huon S, Causse J, Henry-des-Tureaux T, Sengtaheuanghoung O, Sipaseuth N, Pierret A. Escherichia coli Concentration, Multiscale Monitoring over the Decade 2011-2021 in the Mekong River Basin, Lao PDR. Earth Syst. Sci. Data 2022, 14 (6), 2883–2894
Ben Moussa H, Bertrand C, Rochelle-Newall E, Fiorini S, Pedron J, Barny M. The Diversity and Abundance of Soft Rot Pectobacteriaceae Along the Durance River Stream in the Southeast of France Revealed by Multiple Seasonal Surveys. Phytopathology. 2022, 112 (8), 1676–1685
Boithias L, Auda Y, Audry S, Bricquet J-P, Chanhphengxay A, Chaplot V, de Rouw A, des Tureaux TH, Huon S, Janeau J-L……Rochelle-Newall, E…. et al: The Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS critical zone observatory M-TROPICS dataset II: Land use, hydrology and sediment production monitoring in Houay Pano, northern Lao PDR. Hydrological Processes 2021, 35(5)
Boithias L, Ribolzi O, Lacombe G, Thammahacksa C, Silvera N, Latsachack K, Soulileuth B, Viguier M, Auda Y, Robert E,….. Rochelle-Newall E…. et al: Quantifying the effect of overland flow on Escherichia coli pulses during floods: Use of a tracer-based approach in an erosion-prone tropical catchment. Journal of Hydrology 2021, 594
Mugler C, Ribolzi O, Viguier M, Janeau J-L, Jarde E, Latsachack K, Henry-Des-Tureaux T, Thammahacksa C, Valentin C, Sengtaheuanghoung O,… Rochelle-Newall E: Experimental and modelling evidence of splash effects on manure borne Escherichia coli washoff. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021, 28(25):33009-33020
Nakhle P, Boithias L, Pando-Bahuon A, Thammahacksa C, Gallion N, Sounyafong P, Silvera N, Latsachack K, Soulileuth B, Rochelle-Newall EJ, et al: Decay Rate of Escherichia coli in a Mountainous Tropical Headwater Wetland. Water 2021, 13(15)
Nakhle P, Ribolzi O, Boithias L, Rattanavong S, Auda Y, Sayavong S, Zimmermann R, Soulileuth B, Pando A, Thammahacksa C … Rochelle-Newall E, et al: Effects of hydrological regime and land use on in-stream Escherichia coli concentration in the Mekong basin, Lao PDR. Scientific Reports 2021, 11(1)
Robert E, Grippa M, Nikiema DE, Kergoat L, Koudougou H, Auda Y, Rochelle-Newall E: Environmental determinants of E. coli, link with the diarrheal diseases, and indication of vulnerability criteria in tropical West Africa (Kapore, Burkina Faso). Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 2021, 15(8)
Le HT, Rochelle-Newall E, Ribolzi O, Janeau JL, Huon S, Latsachack K, Pommier T: Land use strongly influences soil organic carbon and bacterial community export in runoff in tropical uplands. Land Degradation & Development 2020, 31(1):118-132