Water resources assessment, hydrochemistry, bacteriological water quality, bioindicators, enteric pathogenic bacteria
Research associate at the Institute of Geological and Mining research, Cameroon
Address: Laboratory of Geochemical Analysis of Water, Hydrological Research Centre, Institute of Geological and Mining Research, Cameroon. P.O.Box 4110, Yaounde
Phone: (237)674727534 / 698682337
E-mail: henrietteateba|DONTWANTSPAM|@gmail.com
Main fields of research and expertise
Henriette Ateba Bessa is in charge of the Laboratory of Geochemical Water Analysis of the Hydrological Research Center. Within the framework of the BVET, she ensures the follow-up of the measurement of the parameters analyzed in Cameroon (major ions, Suspended solids, physico-chemical parameters) and the conditioning of samples for the analyses carried out at the GET (DOC, SiO2). She works on themes concerning water quality (hydrochemistry and microbiology) in relation to health impacts.
Selected publications
Madjiki Adjia G, Nguemhe Fils S C, Pial A-C, Ateba Bessa H & Eyong G (2020) Flood Risk Estimation of Cross River Watershed (Cameroon): GIS Based Morphometric Analysis and Geospatial Technique. Youth and water security in Africa – Extended Abstract Volume (UNESCO): 10-21.
Madjiki Adjia G, Pial A-C, Ateba Bessa H & Eyong G (2020) Physico-Chemical Characterization of an Urban Hydrosystem (Ebolowa Municipal Lake, South-Cameroon): Application of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the Water Typology Identification. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 9, 72-82, DOI: 10.24940/ijird/2020/v9/i7/JUL20032
Eneke Takem G, Kuitcha D, Ako A, Teke Mafany G, Fouepe A, Ndjama J, Ntchancho R, Ateba Bessa H, Chandrasekharam Dornadula & Ayonghe S. (2015) Acidification of shallow groundwater in the unconfined sandy aquifer of the city of Douala, Cameroon, Western Africa: implications for groundwater quality and use. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74, 6831-6846, doi.org/10.1007/s12665-015-4681-3
Signe Mbiada J, Lontsi Djimeli C, Manouore Njoya A, Eheth J S, Tchakonté S, Tamsa Arfao A, Ateba Bessa H, Bricheux G, Nola M & Sime-Ngando T. (2015) Assessment of the potential effect of some streams properties on the isolated Aeromonas hydrophila strains susceptibility against some β-Lactams and Sulfamids. Research in Biotechnology, 6, 33-44, DOI: 10.12691/ajwr-9-1-4
Mobili O. B, Nola M, Nougang M E, Moungang L M, Noah O V, Ateba Bessa H & Mabingui J. (2013) Assessment of the effect of Artemisia annualeave extract infusion pH under dark conditions on Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella paratyphi and Escherichia coli. Journal of Applied Biosciences, 62, 4595 – 4609, DOI: 10.4314/jab.v62i0.86071
Ateba Bessa H, Nougang M E, Noah Ewoti O, Tamatcho Kweyang ., Tawedi R E, Mbilongo J-C, Nola M & Njine T. (2012) Occurrence of Salmonella spp in surface waters of Yaoundé, Cameroon. Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources, 1, 243-250,
Nougang M. E., Nola M., Ateba Bessa H, Tamatcho Kweyang B P , Noah Ewoti O V & Moungang L. Prevalence of pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli in urban streams in the equatorial region of Cameroon (Central Africa). Journal of Applied Biosciences, 48, 3293– 3305, DOI: 10.12691/ajfst-4-5-1