Hydrology, hydrogeology, water geochemistry, hydro climatology and geostatistics
Full Professor at the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon; Coordinator in Cameroon of the SNO-M-TROPICS Programme; MAREMA Focal Point at the University of Yaoundé I (Cameroon)
Address: Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Yaounde I,Cameroon P.O.Box 812, Yaoundé-Cameroon
Phone: +237 699995829 (Mob.1) / +237 679287625 (Mob.2 WhatsApp)
E-mail: jrndam|DONTWANTSPAM|@gmail.com; jrndam|DONTWANTSPAM|@uy1.uninet.cm
Main fields of research and expertise
- Water and associated matter transfers in the African humid tropical zone: from the small experimental watershed to the large river basin;
- Pollution of surface and groundwater by inorganic, organic chemicals and heavy metals;
- Impacts of climate variability and anthropogenic activities on water resources in Cameroon and Africa;
- Hydrological, hydrodynamic and hydro climatological characterization of urban and rural tropical watersheds;
- Resource person in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Cameroon.
Selected publications
Nkoue Ndondo G.R., Probst J.‑L., Ndjama J., Ndam Ngoupayou J. R., Boeglin J.-L., Takem G. E., F. Brunet F., Mortatti J., F. Gauthier‑Lafaye F., Braun J.-J., Ekodeck G. E. (2020) Stable Carbon Isotopes δ13C as a Proxy for Characterizing Carbon Sources and Processes in a Small Tropical Headwater Catchment: Nsimi, Cameroon. Aquatic Geochemistry. doi.org/10.1007/s10498-020-09386 -8
Kouassy Kalédjé P. S. ; Ndam Ngoupayou J.-R. ; Rakotondrabe, F. and Mvondo Ondoa J. (2020) Quantitative assessment of water resources by the method of the hydrological balance in the Kadey catchment area (East-Cameroon). Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 10, doi.org/10.1016/j.gsd.2019.100278
Kpoumie A., Mouncherou O. F., Bon A. F., Mfonka Z., Gaëlle Njinwoua Langue G. L., Abdou Nasser Ngouh A. N., Ndam Ngoupayou J. R., Agbor Taku J., & Salomon Cesar Nguemhé Fils S. C., Mfochivé O. F., Bustillo V., & Ekodeck G. E. (2020) Dynamics of fluvial suspended sediment transport and yield in volcanic highland’s agricultural basin: case of the Noun River, Western Cameroon. Arabian Journal of Geosciences,13,116, doi.org/10.1007/s12517-020-5111-8
Mfonka Z., Ndam Ngoupayou J.R., Kpoumie A., Ndjigui P.D., Zammouri M., Ngouh A. N., Mouncherou O. F., Mfochive O. F. & Rakotondrabe, F.(2019) Hydrodynamic and groundwater vulnerability assessment of the shallow aquifer of the Foumban locality (Bamoun plateau,Western-Cameroon). Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12,165, doi.org/10.1007/s12517-019-4328-x
Rakotondrabe, F., Ndam Ngoupayou, J.R., Mfonka, Z., Rasolomanana, E.H., Nyangono Abolo and Ako Ako A. (2018). Water quality assessment in the Bétaré-Oya gold mining area (East-Cameroon): Multivariate Statistical Analysis approach. Science of the Total Environment, 610–611, 831-844, doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.080
Anaba Onana A.B ; Ndam Ngoupayou J. R ; Onana Onana R.M ; Mvondo Ondoa J. (2017) Analysis of crystalline bedrock aquifer productivity: Case of central region in Cameroon. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 5, 66–74, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsd.2017.05.003
Ndam Ngoupayou J. R., Dzana J. G., Kpoumie A., Ghogomou Tanwi R., Fouépé Takounjou A., Braun J. J. & Ekodeck G. E. (2016). Present-day sediment dynamics of the Sanaga catchment (Cameroon): From the Total Suspended Sediment (TSS) to Erosion Balance. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61, 1080-1093, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2014.968572
Bon A., Ndam Ngoupayou J. R., Ewodo Mboudou G. (2016) Caractérisation hydrogéologique des aquifères de socle altéré et fissuré du bassin versant de l’Olézoa à Yaoundé-Cameroun. Journal of Water Science, 29, 149-166, DOI : 10.7202/1036545ar
Regard V., Carretier S., Boeglin J.-L., Ndam Ngoupayou J.-R., Dzana J.-G., Bedimo Bedimo J.-P, Riotte J., and Braun J.-J. (2016) Denudation rates on cratonic landscapes : Comparison between suspended and dissolved fluxes, and 10Be analysis in the Nyong and Sanaga River basins, south Cameroon. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41, 1671-1683, doi.org/10.1002/esp.3939
Fouépé Takounjou A., Ndam Ngoupayou J. R., Riotte J., Takem G. E., Mafany G., Maréchal J.C. and Ekodeck G.E. (2011) Estimation of groundwater recharge of shallow aquifer on humid environment in Yaounde, Cameroon using Hybrid water-fluctuation and Hydrochemistry methods. Environ. Earth Sci., 64, 107–118, doi.org/10.1007/s12665-010-0822-x
Dzana J.- G., Ndam Ngoupayou J. R., Tchawa P., (2011) The Sanaga discharge at the Edea catchment outlet (Cameroon): An example of hydrologic responses of a tropical rain – fed river system to changes in precipitation and groundwater inputs and to flow regulation. River Research and Applications, 27, 754 – 771, doi.org/10.1002/rra.1392
Braun J.-J., Ndam Ngoupayou J. R., Viers J., Dupre B., Bedimo Bedimo J. P., Boeglin J. L., Robain H., Nyeck B., Freydier R. Sigha Nkamdjou L., Rouiller J., & Muller J. P. (2005) Present weathering rates in a humid tropical watershed: Nsimi, South Cameroon. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 69, 2, 357-387, doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2004.06.022