Hydrology, in charge of the hydrological studies and of the field house and laboratory
Address: IRD, Department of Agricultural Land Management (DALaM), P.O. Box 4199, Ban Nogviengkham, Xaythany District, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Email: keooudone.latsachack|DONTWANTSPAM|@ird.fr
Main fields of research and expertise
Keooudone LATSACHACK has been working in the M-TROPICS/MSEC programme since 2003. He collects and processes water samples and bed load samples from hydrological stations (weirs) and assists in rainfall simulation experiments. His work consists (1) in providing assistance to the scientific team in field and lab experiments, particularly the hydro-meteorological monitoring of the Houay Pano catchment, and (2) assisting Lao and European students with their field experiments.