
Land use, surface runoff, soil erosion: multi-scale impact assessment of teak tree plantation management in a tropical humid mountainous agro-ecosystem

Layheang Song, PhD student within M-TROPICS CZO, defended his thesis today at GET. His thesis work was under the international double degree program between the University Paul Sabatier and the Institute of Technology of Cambodia. Soil erosion is one of the most concerning environmental problems on the global scale. Soil erosion is increasingly driven by […]


Interactions between surface and deep critical zone: case of South India ecosystems and agrosystems

One of the major interests of long-term critical zone observatories is to study and model the interactions between the different compartments that compose the critical zone, and in particular the feedback loops between surface and deep critical zone that affect the hydrological and geochemical cycles. The importance of these feedbacks was illustrated by salient results […]


Field campaign in Cameroon to study biogeochemical cycles and weathering in a tropical context

On September 19-25, Jean Riotte, Christelle Lagane, and Jean-Jacques Braun from GET/IRD participated to a field campaign at the Nsimi experimental watershed, monitored within the M-TROPICS CZO. Recently, the land use in Nsimi watershed has been changed to agriculture mixed with residual forest and fallow. The objective of the mission was thus to start the […]


M-TROPICS catchments introduced at the Cyberseminar Series of CUAHSI: “Introduction to critical zone observatories and watershed sites”

Muddu Sekhar (IISc Bengalore, CEFIRSE) and Laurie Boithias (GET) presented the key questions and findings from the two experimental catchments Berambadi (India) and Houay Pano (Lao PDR) at the Cyberseminar Series of CUAHSI: “Introduction to critical zone observatories and watershed sites” on Sept. 7. The introduction of the Berambadi catchment was focused on the effect […]


Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding with DALaM in Lao PDR

On 9th of August 2021, Dr Nivong Sipaseuth, Director General of the Department of Agricultural Land Management (DALaM) of the Laotian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Dr Eric Deharo, Representative of IRD in Laos signed the renewal of an agreement of scientific and technical cooperation between the two institutions. The signature of this agreement confirms […]


Agricultural groundwater with high nitrates and dissolved salts given to pregnant mice alters brain development in the offspring

This new paper, at the interface between environment and health, shows that groundwater contaminated by agricultural inputs from the Indian site of Berambadi (M-TROPICS observatory), significantly impacts the brain development of mice when given to pregnant or lactating mice: fewer neurons, fewer astrocytes (white blood cells in the brain), and more dead cells in the […]


Decay Rate of Escherichia coli in a Mountainous Tropical Headwater Wetland

Fecal indicator bacteria like Escherichia coli (E. coli) are widely used to assess water contamination, but their behavior in tropical ecosystems is poorly documented. The main objectives of this study led by Paty Nakhle, PhD student at GET in collaboration with iEES Paris, were to: (i) evaluate decay rates (k) of the total, particle-attached and […]


The M-TROPICS CZO releases long-term meteorological, hydrological, sedimentary geochemical, and land use datasets in Cameroon, Lao PDR, and India

The CZO M-TROPICS (Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS) investigates the response of tropical catchments to global change based on long-term collection of meteorological, hydrological, sedimentary, geochemical, and land use data in partnership with academic and governmental institutions in various tropical countries. M-TROPICS includes in particular the experimental watersheds of Nyong in Cameroon (1994-), Houay Pano in Lao […]


Response of tropical experimental catchments to global changes: the M-TROPICS CZO network

Jean Riotte (IRD) presented the key questions and findings from the three experimental catchments Nyong (Cameroon), Mule Hole (India), and Houay Pano (Laos), at the Cyberseminar Series of CUAHSI: “Research and Observatory Catchments: the Legacy and the Future” on March 10. This presentation is related to the submission of three data papers to the eponymous […]