
Paty NAKHLE started her PhD within M-TROPICS on pathogen bacteria transport and fate in tropical catchments

Paty Nakhle is a former student from both the Lebanese University and the Agronomy Engineering School of Toulouse (ENSAT), with a specialization in environmental science. She also hold a joint ENSAT/Paul Sabatier University master degree Ecosystèmes et Anthropisation and performed her 6-month internship at GET laboratory, where she experimentally modelled the degradation of peat and […]


Vietnamese IRD partners visiting the Dong Cao CZO

Scientists from the USTH and from the Thuyloi University visited the monitored catchment of Dong Cao, northern Vietnam (M-TROPICS/MSEC). The visit was led by Rinh Pham Dinh (SFRI) and by Jean-Luc Maeght (IRD, iEES-Paris). Visiting scientists discovered the history of the research carried out on this peri-urban watershed (49.7 ha).


Soils in the critical zone

Christian Valentin (IRD) coordinated a series of 6 books at ISTE Editions about the role of soils within the critical zone, including in the tropics. Renewed interest for soils is due to the social challenges they are associated to: agricultural productions, climate and biogeochemical cycles regulation, urbanization… By locating soils at the heart of water, […]

Sediment delivery from tropical rivers

Lancelot Pinta defended a master degree (M2) thesis entitled “Impact of rainfall erosivity and land cover change on total organic carbon accumulation in sediments of a water reservoir in Thailand” on Thursday June 28th at Sorbonne Université (Paris). The objectives of this study were to determine, the amount of catchment-derived organic carbon stored in sediments […]


Fecal bacteria occurrence in tropical rivers

Floriann Langlet, a master student from the Université de Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, just finished his internship at GET laboratory. He analyzed the occurrence of bacterial pathogens along the Mekong river basin (M-TROPICS/MSEC) and found that soil type, discharge, and turbidity were among the key variables associated to E. coli concentration in the rivers.


Critical zone analysis with GRASS and QGIS

A book authored by Yves AUDA has been published, handling the analysis of the critical zone with open-source softwares GRASS and QGIS: field sampling, hydrological models, landscape analysis, remote sensing mapping, digital elevation models, etc. Theory and exercises are based on data from the M-TROPICS/MSEC CZO in Northern Laos, gathered within the TecItEasy ANR project. […]


M-TROPICS is now also on Twitter !

For news and more about #MTROPICS, follow us on Twitter at @mtropics_czo !

