2022 long-term missions in Lao PDR

After almost three years of travel restrictions in Lao PDR, Olivier Ribolzi (IRD GET), Henri Robain (IRD iEES Paris), and Laurie Boithias (CNAP GET) could go to both Vientiane and Luang Prabang for a 2-month stay funded by IRD. With Norbert Silvera (IRD iEES Paris), their work there was mostly focused on the processing and validation of the critical zone observatory datasets and on the preparation of the ANR DinBuam and AFD SWAN projects starting early 2023. Hot moment for the observatory was the signature of the Hosting Agreement between IRD and the Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office in Luang Prabang, in the presence of the IRD President and CEO Valérie Verdier.

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Geophysical measurement campaign in India

A geophysical measurement campaign to characterize the spatial heterogeneity of the regolith thickness (main potential water stock in fractured aquifers) was carried out in May 2022 in both the Berambadi and the Mule Hole catchments (PI: Jean Riotte, IRD). Supported by EQUIPEX CRITEX, the campaign combined electrical resistivity, seismic, and Control Source Audio-Magneto-Telluric (CS-AMT) surveys. […]

Launching ANR NUTRILIFT project

Nutrients’ cycles and budget: the first mission to dig and instrument deep pits in Berambadi catchment, India, was held in June-July 2022 within the ANR NUTRILIFT project (PI: Jean Riotte, IRD). These pits are located in both an irrigated plot and an agroforestry plot. They are 9 and 10 m deep, respectively, and their diameter […]

Field campaign in Cameroon to study biogeochemical cycles and weathering in a tropical context

On September 19-25, Jean Riotte, Christelle Lagane, and Jean-Jacques Braun from GET/IRD participated to a field campaign at the Nsimi experimental watershed, monitored within the M-TROPICS CZO. Recently, the land use in Nsimi watershed has been changed to agriculture mixed with residual forest and fallow. The objective of the mission was thus to start the […]
