
M-TROPICS in Laos has set up its new water quality laboratory within DALaM partnership

The new water quality laboratory of M-TROPICS has been set up at DALaM in Vientiane. DALaM contributed with the premises and oven. Christelle LAGANE (IRD GET) installed both Milli-Q water supplier and ionic chromatography, and trained Khampaseuth XAYYATHIP (IRD DALaM) and Inpeng SAVENG (DALaM), who will be starting her PhD at GET on November 2023 […]


2022 long-term missions in Lao PDR

After almost three years of travel restrictions in Lao PDR, Olivier Ribolzi (IRD GET), Henri Robain (IRD iEES Paris), and Laurie Boithias (CNAP GET) could go to both Vientiane and Luang Prabang for a 2-month stay funded by IRD. With Norbert Silvera (IRD iEES Paris), their work there was mostly focused on the processing and […]


Effects of climate and anthropogenic changes on current and future variability in flows in the So’o River Basin (south of Cameroon)

Due to climate and environmental changes, sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has experienced several drought and flood events in recent decades with serious consequences on the economy of the sub-region. In this context, the region needs to enhance its capacity in water resources management, based on both good knowledge of contemporary variations in river flows and reliable […]


Geophysical measurement campaign in India

A geophysical measurement campaign to characterize the spatial heterogeneity of the regolith thickness (main potential water stock in fractured aquifers) was carried out in May 2022 in both the Berambadi and the Mule Hole catchments (PI: Jean Riotte, IRD). Supported by EQUIPEX CRITEX, the campaign combined electrical resistivity, seismic, and Control Source Audio-Magneto-Telluric (CS-AMT) surveys. […]


Launching ANR NUTRILIFT project

Nutrients’ cycles and budget: the first mission to dig and instrument deep pits in Berambadi catchment, India, was held in June-July 2022 within the ANR NUTRILIFT project (PI: Jean Riotte, IRD). These pits are located in both an irrigated plot and an agroforestry plot. They are 9 and 10 m deep, respectively, and their diameter […]


M-TROPICS at JFFoS 2022 in Kyoto

Laurie Boithias presented M-TROPICS datasets collected in Mekong river basin, Lao PDR, at the interdisciplinary Japanese-French Frontiers of Science (JFFoS) Symposium 2022 in Kyoto, Japan: small and large catchment-scale climate, hydrology, and water quality long-term monitoring data including E. coli.


Escherichia coli concentration, multiscale monitoring over the decade 2011–2021 in the Mekong River basin, Lao PDR

Bacterial pathogens in surface waters may threaten human health, especially in developing countries, where untreated surface water is often used for domestic needs. The objective of the long-term multiscale monitoring of Escherichia coli concentration in stream water, and that of associated variables (temperature, electrical conductance, dissolved oxygen concentration and saturation, pH, oxidation-reduction potential, turbidity, and […]


Groundwater irrigation reduces overall poverty but increases socioeconomic vulnerability in a semiarid region of southern India

The development of irrigation is generally considered an efficient way to reduce poverty in rural areas, although its impact on the inequality between farmers is more debated. In fact, assessing the impact of water management on different categories of farmers requires resituating it within the different dimensions of the local socio-technical context. This study, led […]


Distribution of Burkholderia pseudomallei within a 300‑cm deep soil profile: implications for environmental sampling

The environmental distribution of Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis, remains poorly understood. This study performed in Lao PDR and supervised by Alain Pierret (IRD-iEES Paris) and Olivier Ribolzi (IRD-GET), in the frame of the PhD of Khemngeun Pongmala, provides novel information about a putative association of soil biogeochemical heterogeneity and the vertical distribution […]